This podcast is about all things Children's Division in Missouri! Learn about Children's Division's mission, involvement in big issues facing child welfare today, and how the division is working hard to better support the children and families in the Show Me State.
Recommended Episode
The Capacity Crisis
Join Children's Division Leadership, including New Director Darrell Missey, Joan Rogers, and Sara Smith as they discuss how to resolve capacity issues within the divis...

Latest Episodes
Meet Deputy Director of Field Operations Pam Alston
Children's Division has a new Deputy Director of Field Operations, Pam Alston. We are so excited to have this new position and Pam to fill it. Pam is enthusiastic abou...

BONUS EPISODE: Meet Interim Children's Division Director Kayla Ueligger
Get to know the Interim Children's Division Director, Kayla Ueligger! Kayla shares her journey to and through Children's Division, her heart for serving others, and he...

BONUS: Farewell, Darrell
All things must come to an end...and with that, what better way to send our host, Darrell, off to his next great adventure but a podcast? In this episode, Darrell shar...

Conversations around Safe Sleep
This month we met with Alison Jacobson, the current CEO of First Candle. As a SIDS mom, Alison knows the pain of losing an infant to a sleep-related death firsthand. A...

Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Listen in on a conversation with the Founder and current CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Monica Kelsey. Safe Haven Baby Boxes' (SHBB) mission is to prevent the illegal a...