This podcast is about all things Children's Division in Missouri! Learn about Children's Division's mission, involvement in big issues facing child welfare today, and how the division is working hard to better support the children and families in the Show Me State.
Recommended Episode
The Capacity Crisis
Join Children's Division Leadership, including New Director Darrell Missey, Joan Rogers, and Sara Smith as they discuss how to resolve capacity issues within the divis...

Latest Episodes
Safe Sleep Month 2022
Join Children's Division Leadership, including Director Darrell Missey, Joan Rogers, Sara Smith, and special guests Misty Allen, Liz Tietsort, and Kara Wilcox as they ...

CCU 6 Month Check
Bill Bott joins the CD leadership team to Check-in on progress that has been made since the launch of the CCU.

A Legislative Update
Join Children's Division Leadership, including Director Darrell Missey, Teri Armistead, Joan Rogers, and Sara Smith as they discuss a legislative update with special g...

Family First Prevention Services Act
Join Children's Division Leadership, including Director Darrell Missey and Deputy Directors Teri Armistead, Joan Rogers, and Sara Smith, along with special guest Laure...

Embracing the Probate Code
Join Children's Division Leadership, including Director Darrell Missey, Teri Armistead, Joan Rogers, and Sara Smith as they discuss Director Missey's directive, 'Embra...